Letra The Anticosmic Overload de Obscura

Letra de The Anticosmic Overload


The Anticosmic Overload
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This is the anti, the anticosmic overload
And storms in emulation growl
From land to sea, from sea to land
And fashion as they wildly howl
Though none may hope to fathom thee
Still glorious are thy works of might
A circling wonder working band
Destructive flames in mad career
Precede thy thunders on their way
Yet lord thy messengers revere
In spreading billows foams the ocean
Spheres whirl around in endless motion
And cliff and sea with mighty shock
Still glorious are thy works of might
Though none may hope to fathom thee
Still glorious are thee
Works of might
A straight burst of thee outrageous fear
Though none may hope to fathom thee
Still glorious are thy works of might
This is the anti, the anticosmic overload
Revolves the earth in splendour bright
From land to sea, from sea to land
And fashion as they wildly howl

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