Johann Philipp Kirnberger

Letras de Johann Philipp Kirnberger

Letras de Canciones

Flute Concertos & Sonatas: J. S. Bach, C. P. E. Bach, C. Stamitz, J. Stamitz, Gluck, Quantz and others

Harpsichord Recital: Schornsheim, Christine - Kirnberger, J.P. / Muthel, J.G. / Nichelmann, C. (Harpsichord Concertos)

Keyboard Recital: Schornsheim, Christine - Bach, C.P.E. / Bach, W.F. / Bach, J.C. / Kirnberger, J.P. / Muthel, J.G. / Nichelmann, C.

Orchestral Music (18th Century German) - NICHELMANN, C. / KIRNBERGER, J.P. / QUANTZ, J.J. / SCHAFFRATH, C. [Berlin Akademie fur Alte Musik]

Solo for the King - Bach, Quantz, Benda, Kirnberger

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