Johnny Handle

Letras de Johnny Handle

Letras de Canciones

A Day in Redcar' Teesside Songs - The Northumbria Anthology

A Day in Redcar' Teesside Songs - The Northumbria Anthology


Canny Wylam' Around Blaydon | Prudhoe - The Northumbria Anthology

Canny Wylam' Around Blaydon | Prudhoe - The Northumbria Anthology


Alang the Roman Waal' Songs of the South Tyne - The Northumbria Anthology

Durham Big Meetin' Day' Around County Durham - The Northumbria Anthology

From Tyne to Tweed' - The Northumbria Anthology

Hi,Canny Man!' Newcastle Songs Volume 3 - The Northumbria Anthology

Rothbury Races' Songs of Mid Northumberland - The Northumbria Anthology

Stanley Market' Around Derwent Valley - The Northumbria Anthology

The Bonny Gateshead Lass' Gateshead Songs - The Northumbria Anthology

The Day We Went to the Coast' Around Cullercoats Bay - The Northumbria Anthology

The Folks of Shields' Around South Tyneside - The Northumbria Anthology

The Hooky Mat Project

The Morpeth Lodgings' Songs of South Northumberland - The Northumbria Anthology

The Tall Ships River and Sea

The Valley of Tees' Songs of West Durham - The Northumbria Anthology

Topic Records: The Real Sound of Folk Music (28 Treasured Tracks from the Topic Catalogue)

Water of Tyne' Songs of the North Tyne - The Northumbria Anthology

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