Dark Shadows

Letras de Dark Shadows

Letras de Canciones

40: The Harvest of Souls (Unabridged)

37: The Flip Side (Unabridged)

16: The Death Mask (Unabridged)

Series 2: Kingdom of the Dead, Pt. 2 (Audiodrama Unabridged)

Series 2: Kingdom of the Dead, Pt. 3 (Audiodrama Unabridged)

Series 2: Kingdom of the Dead, Pt. 4 (Audiodrama Unabridged)

7: The Wicked and the Dead (Audiodrama Unabridged)

8: Echoes of Insanity (Audiodrama Unabridged)

3: Clothes of Sand (Unabridged)

5: The Skin Walkers (Audiodrama Unabridged)

6: The Path of Fate (Audiodrama Unabridged)

4: The Rage Beneath (Audiodrama Unabridged)

10: Final Judgement (Audiodrama Unabridged)

9: Curse of the Pharaoh (Audiodrama Unabridged)

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