Letra Day Of The Lord de Sacred Warrior

Letra de Day Of The Lord

Sacred Warrior

Day Of The Lord
Sacred Warrior
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No more evil no more pain
From this day forth satan you have nothing to gain
You've led so many astray with you're decietful lies
And now it's time that you pay
There'll be no more compromise
Listen to the angels sing praises
As Jesus throws satan back into abyss
You've led so many astray with you're decietful lies
And now it's time that you pay
There'll be no more compromise
On that day they will call on His name
On that day oh Lord in the sky
Praise your name Lift Him up so high
On that day
You've led so many astray with you're decietful lies
And now it's time that you pay
The groom has come for His bride
There'll be no more compromise
The groom has come for His bride

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