Letra Isaiah 61 de Zachary Kale

Letra de Isaiah 61

Zachary Kale

Isaiah 61
Zachary Kale
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The spirit is here and whispering hope,
Fixing my eyes, my glory,
Bringing the news of rescued hearts,
Ending the day of mourning now

So I rejoice, my soul will sing,
And proclaim it's the year of Your favor,
I rejoice, my soul will sing,
And proclaim the great love of our Savior

Let every song on the promised dance,
Be here for the poor and hopeless,
The captives' become the risen ones,
The bounds that it bounds are broken now

So I rejoice, my soul will sing,
And proclaim it's the year of Your favor,
I rejoice, my soul will sing,
And proclaim the great love of our Savior,
I proclaim the great love of our Savior

For Your glory, Jesus you're restoring,
Every hope of story, every shattered heart,
Yes You're renewing ashes into beauty,
Raising up the ruin, though we've torn apart

So I rejoice, my soul will sing,
And proclaim it's the year of Your favor,
I rejoice, my soul will sing,
In proclaim the great love of our Savior,
I proclaim the great love of our Savior

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