Letra Midnight Caller de Wet Baes

Letra de Midnight Caller

Wet Baes

Midnight Caller
Wet Baes
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Everybody wants your love
But no one gets too close
Everybody wants you
Oh! girl...

I just wanna give you more than anyone
before you, girl.


I just want your touch
Cause every step I get closer
The most I want your explotions.

Call me whenever you want!
Cause I need you to be mine
Baby I promise you wont cry
No more!

Promise, I'll never let you go, never let you go oh oh!
I am so in love with you, baby.

(We're Sorry The Number You Have Dialed Is Not In Service At This Time)

I'm so in love with your vibe
And I only want you to shine
Baby we should talk and kiss
Cause I just wanna dance with your swing

I just wanna give you more than
Anyone before you, girl.


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